Thursday, June 25, 2020

Tips to saving £ss on your energy bills without changing supplier!!!

Tips to saving £ss on your energy bills without changing supplier!!!

During this pandemic, and well before it, we know some people are struggling to make ends meet.  Some people have to prioritise their spending and most struggle to make ends meet.  Some make decisions between eating and heating.  Please follow the following tips to start saving money off your bills if you have not been doing so before now:

TURN YOUR FREEZER(S) OFF: A lot of people have one or more freezers apart from fridges.  This freezers are in constant use and never been turned off.  Turning your freezers off once or twice a week for between 12 - 24 hours will save you a lot.  You can turn it off at the peak period and put it back on at off-peak.  In fact during the winter, you could turn it off for more than 24 hours per time as the weather is colder.  Note: don't let it thaw before you put it back on. 

REGULATE YOUR HEATING:  The common advice is to drop your heating by one or two degrees, but I will advise to turn it off.  If you want to warm your home for 4 hours at a go, turn the heating off after two hours because by then, the house is warm enough, and then put it on again for the last hour.  You have saved one who hour of bills for the day, and if you do this day in day out, you will save yourself £ss.  

DON'T LEAVE LIGHTS ON UNNECESSARILY:  Always turn on the lights when you only need it.  Turn the lights in the spare rooms off when not needed. 

BOIL ONLY THE WATER YOU NEED:  A lot of people when putting the kettle on would always fill it up and take one cup.  To save on your bills, only boil the water you will need at a time.  When making hot chocolate, don't bring the water to the boil as you only need about 70 per cent hotness to make hot chocolate.

I have been doing the above and I have been able to keep my bills down to £55 per month.  I live in a three-bed terraced house, though the third room isn't always in use.  More info in my next post!!

Feel free to share your tips in the comments section.

Thank you

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